Thanks for bringing this to our attention. This is completely unacceptable in a “free” country like America. I find it fascinating that Bible prophecy foretells a time in the last days when people who are on the “wrong” side of the world powers of that time will have their economic freedoms denied-see Revelation 13:17 ESV: “so that no one can buy or sell unless he has the mark, that is, the name of the beast or the number of its name.”

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The United States of America is a great country. Areas of greatness are economic, military, scientific, financial, education, and more. Part of this may be the extensive natural resources we have; but other countries have more land (China, Russia), more people (China, India), more timber (Russia, Canada), more oil (Middle East, Valenzuela). Therefore, while our natural resources may have contributed to our greatness, something else must have also been involved.

That something else, I believe, was the lack of a strong central government. People could try new ideas, new inventions, new methods, and be rewarded when they succeeded. People had incentive to risk for their ideas. And many of these paid off. So by the end of WWII, the USA was among the leaders in many areas of personal freedom, wealth, education, and health.

The USA was founded on the concept of the Federal government having only a few named roles and the other activities were reserved for the state governments or the people.

Since WWII, the Federal government has become must stronger, more secretive, and more intrusive in the private lives of our residents. There are may more confusing and conflicting laws and regulations such that if you try to implement a new idea, you either have to have a bank of lawyers or run the risk of violating some Federal law. It has become much more difficult and expensive to implement new ideas such that many of squashed before they come to fruition.

I see a direct connection between the larger and stronger Federal government and the slipping of our status in economic, military, scientific, financial, and education compared to other countries.

I don't like Trump but if he can accomplish even half of what he says as far as cutting the Federal government, I will change my mind. Repealing the 16 and 17th amendments to the US Constitution would also be wonderful.

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