Thanks, Helen, it's good to know about Jimmy Lai's life story. He truly started from nothing as only a child, and yet accomplished so much. It shows that an individual's hard work, talent, and initiative can take him very far in a free society. It's truly inspiring.

What a great man Jimmy Lai is. Principled and brave, he's walked the walk as few people have. It's a travesty that the CCP jailed him under its draconian, and retroactive, National Security Law. So unjust!

It's no wonder the CCP fears Lai -- his resistance to their immoral law is an inspiring example to others. The CCP's thuggish behavior toward this one peaceful man, who did nothing to harm others, shows they have no moral high ground. I hope President Trump is able to gain Mr. Lai's release to let him regain his life as a free man, as he well deserves.

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You are right that Lai's life story is an inspiration.

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