What a wonderful article Helen, I love everything you write, it’s so thoughtful. I appreciate what your husband does in his nice little woodworking shop, I bet he keeps it pretty clean, it sure sounds like he takes pride in his work. I too was a woodworker of sorts, a building contractor in my working life. What I loved about building the most, was the satisfaction of starting a difficult job, 2nd story room addition, and after a lot of hard work and perseverance, you could stand back and say; “Yeah, we did all that!” God bless you guys & may you have a great Labor Day!

To labor is good for one’s soul I believe! Blessings….. Gary Schelvan

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The satisfaction of seeing a project come to life through one's own efforts is priceless. Happy Labor Day to you too!

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We had a cabinetmaker at our church who passed away at 92. He was a Godsend to the church, keeping everything going for years. When he died, people came from 60 miles away to pay their respects at his memorial service. He had six kids and his offspring filled the church at the service. He was truly a blessing, a wonderful person.

On another subject, do you know about the Chinese money "initiative"? From Liberty Counsel:

"Even Worse than COVID Lockdowns.

Aug 31, 2024

"Thailand is now bribing its citizens into accepting digital control of their finances. Last week, the Thai government opened registration for Thai residents to receive “free” money.

"The Thai government is hoping that 45-50 million citizens accept their “free” money. But there’s a catch — the residents are not receiving cash. Instead, they are being bribed into accepting a digital financial control scheme — the country’s newly created Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC).

"The Biden/Harris administration is pushing for the same thing in America, beginning with welfare recipients.

"The Thai government is giving away 50 billion dollars of the country’s newly invented CBDC and hopes that 45-50 million Thai citizens will accept the digital funny money. The users must open a government-authorized digital wallet to receive, hold, and spend the CBDC. And of course, because the government owns and controls both the wallet and the “currency,” the government will control the user by controlling their money.

"Communist China used nearly the same tactic when it began implementing its digital financial control scheme a few years ago. When the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) first introduced its CBDC, Chinese citizens were loath to adopt it. So, the CCP began giving away “free” money.

"Through a series of giveaways and lotteries, the CCP has given away millions in free digital currency to its citizens, but that “free” money comes with strings attached. The CCP gets to monitor and control how and when a person uses their “money.”

"Fast-forward to 2024, and the CCP’s control has become so pervasive that if the party feels a user has spent too much money on gasoline or health care, the CCP forbids the user from spending his or her own money, no matter how much money is in that person’s account. Because the CCP controls the digital wallet and payment systems, the person’s payment card is automatically rejected at the place of payment, be that a gas pump or a doctor’s office.

"In March 2022, Joe Biden issued Executive Order 14067, in which the Biden- Harris administration ordered the Federal Reserve (the Fed) to begin developing a U.S. CBDC that will replace cold, hard, and uncontrollable cash. And Kamala Harris is even worse on this issue than Biden.

"Dr. Peter St. Onge, an economist with The Heritage Foundation and Mises Institute, says CBDCs effectively convert money from an asset we own into a vehicle for governments to own, monitor, and control every citizen’s money. And by controlling the money, the government controls the people.

"It’s the “financial equivalent of COVID lockdowns forever,” says Dr. St. Onge...The government robbed Americans of their most basic rights, arresting people and pastors for opening their churches, and even yanking the medical licenses of health care professionals who refused to accept Dr. Fauci’s dangerous shots."

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Thanks for your comment. I wrote about China's digital yuan here: https://thefederalist.com/2021/04/09/chinas-digital-currency-threatens-americas-financial-dominance/

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