The Wonder of You
We often take our existence for granted, and rarely stop to think that each of us is a rare and unique wonder in our own right.
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I recently came across this passage from Simone de Beauvoir’s book, All Said and Done,
“If I go to sleep after lunch in the room where I work, sometimes I wake up with a feeling of childish amazement—why am I myself? What astonishes me, just as it astonishes a child when he becomes aware of his own identity, is the fact of finding myself here, and at this moment, deep in this life and not in another. What stroke of chance has brought this about?”
What Beauvoir is getting at is that each of us, our life and existence, is a rare and unique wonder. Consider this: how many factors must align for you to exist in this exact moment? The sperm that gave your life had to be the first one to reach your mom’s egg; your parents had to meet and get married, and their parents had to meet and get married, and so on… Any missing factor would have meant that you wouldn’t be right here and right now. We often take our existence for granted, and rarely stop to think that each of us is a rare and unique wonder in our own right.
Perhaps you're wondering why it matters whether you view yourself as a marvel or not. Many people see life as a constant struggle and are quick to trade their individual liberty for what they perceive as security from the government. Seeking security is a natural human instinct. However, there's a significant moral implication when you make this trade. As Ben Franklin cautioned, 'Those who would give up liberty for safety deserve neither.'
Knowing that my life and existence are the result of a series of miracles, I am reminded of my worth. I am committed to living a dignified life and will not allow anyone, including the government, to disregard my God-given rights. These rights include the freedom to express myself and the liberty to pursue what brings me true happiness.
As we approach the Thanksgiving holiday, a time when many of us express gratitude for others, I encourage you to also appreciate yourself. Your existence, your life, and everything you have done and plan to do are all worthy of celebration. You are a wonder, and it's time to start treating yourself as such.
Wish you and your family a happy Thanksgiving! Thank you for your support!
Helen, this is a delightful message for today. The Christian faith has so much stunning good news, including that God is truly good and that each one of us is a unique treasure to Him. Thanks for the reminder!